I remember, as a kid, I avoided books from a male POV like the flu. Even into my teenage life have I tended to cling to my beloved girl MCs. Which is funny, since most literature is written from the points of view of men.
Reading The Absolutely True Diary, I realized this:
Thus far, I have read The Perks, The Kite Runner, The Catcher in the Rye, and this book. Those four books have three things in common:
1. They're written in first person.
2. They're narrated by a male character.
3. They're all a lot more depressing than you expect them to be.
This, in turn, made me realize three other things:
1. I read many books written in first person.
2. I would have been reluctant to pick these books up in the past.
3. I am not helping myself by reading these saddening coming-of-age novels during my least favorite time of the year: the start of school.
Justification: Not granted
Anthem: Couldn't find one
Rating: ***
Risk: XX