Title: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Director: Chris Columbus
Based on: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
IMDb rating: 7,4/10
Rotten tomatoes rating: 82%
My rating: Yay, the end battle was longer! The basilisk was ugly though.
This movie is so nice. The acting has improved, the end battle is a lot longer, which was one of my sole complaints about the other movie, and even though more scenes are left out this time, it's still really true to the book.
I feel pretty much the same about the movie and the book. The actors (especially the younger ones) seemed more comfortable in this movie and I like how well Hogwarts looks with the decor and furniture.
You still notice that this movie is OLD. This I noticed most (except for the technical screen stuff that I don't know sh!t about) with Fawkes and the Basilisk. I had pictured the Basilisk more snakelike and Fawkes is just less pretty than I had imagined him. (Which is a shame, because I love phoenixes.)
The casting is, yet again, very good. Especially Lockhart stood out to me.
Since I forgot most of this movie -- I watched it ages ago and never finished the review -- this review is a bit short. So, to make up for it, here's a list of animals in books I want as pets, in no particular order.
- Fawkes
- A stag
- Buttercup & Lady
- Crookshanks
- Buckbeak
- Hedwig
- Ollie
- Hazel's imaginary pet dragon
- Gwyneth's gargoyle Xemerius
- The Firebird
- A mockingjay
- Does Iko count as a pet?
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