
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Lost Hero Book Review

This is my last chance to write a review because tomorrow I will be making my journey to Britain. I grossly dislike typing reviews on my tablet and I can't bring my PC, so this is the last you'll see of me for now. I loved this book, even though it pissed me off a couple times.

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

Title: The Lost Hero
Author: Rick Riordan
Series: Heroes of Olympus #1
Spin off to: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Pages: 557
Publisher: Hyperion Books for Children
Publishing date: October 12th, 2010
Rating: 5 stars
Spotify playlist: none, but I am currently quite addicted to Daughter's album Not To Disappear
Previous reviews: take a look at my reviews for Percy Jackson and the Olympians

I knew it from the get-go: this book is amazing. I started reading this during my test week -- yes, I dragged this heavyweight around in my school bag -- and I could not put it down, even when my classmates stared at my Longman-dictionary-sized hardcover. I was a little depressed at times about Percy's absence, but Leo, Piper, and Jason made up for it most of the time.